Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Summer's Almost Here~Tee Hee

Summer's almost here...

We can now see the deer moving around in the back yard.

Yep, won't be long now.

Hope you're warm where you are.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Oh my gosh! That's incredible! That is something you just don't see in Texas...EVER.

  2. What a great photo. The snow even sparkles.

  3. I feel a bit guilty complaining about how hot our summer has been now... I am mad on your cross-stitch, it is just wonderful.
    Love Kate (from greedy for colour).

  4. That is seriously too much snow!

    We had temps in the 80s last week, so I am thinking Spring may be early (and not a moment too soon for you).

  5. Hi Hillery
    Just found your blog and throughly enjoyed seeing all your crafty bits and bobs - your Sampler Life stitch is just gorgeous, the colours show up lovely on the fabric choice.
    Love your photo of the 2 deer, I've just shown my children it and we're all grinning like cheshire cats ~ soooooo cute.
    (Buttons & Stitches x x x)


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