Monday, February 28, 2011

Would Anyone Be Interested~In Threads?

Hello Ladies, I am wondering if any of you stitchers or crocheters would be interested in some Perle Cotton. I have acquired some #5 and some #3 Anchor Perle Cotton Threads. I believe they are 23 yards or meters each. I don't think I am going to use them. This picture is just some of them. I have at least 40 or so of each size, maybe more. I know most people don't use Anchor, but I believe they interchange well with DMC. And I think they would be great for crochet flowers.
I would like to sell them at .75 cents a skein, maybe a little less. If anyone is interested, I can post more pictures of the different colors that I have. If no one is interested, that is fine, I can get rid of them some other way. I just thought I would offer them up to you all.
Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Wish I had the extra money right now :O(

  2. Beautiful color threads. I have some of them too. I hope they will find their new home soon. :)


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