Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Hat on Etsy!!

I've finally got my new design and a few pictures, and have posted them in my Etsy Shop. I have worked very hard on designing and getting the sizes right for this hat. It is a slightly slouchy style, and can be worn in all seasons. I just love it, and my baby and my nieces are such cute models.


gracie said...

Love the new hairdo! And the hats look great. I wish you lots of luck with your sales.

Heather - The Good Life said...

Your hats are really cute and your models look darling in them. Best wishes for lots of sales. :-)

Pumpkin said...

That's awesome Hillery! Congrats! I have you in my circle :o)

BalatongTNC said...

Oh my goodness - those are sooo adorable. Good job on the design ;)

Susana said...

Que gorros tan bonitos. Me encanta el color verde con el contraste rosa de la flor. Un saludo.

trudi@maudeandme said...

They are gorgous - the hats and models!

Mevr. Snoeshaan said...

I love them! The second picture is so cute, and the colors are great.
Well done!

PaisleyJade said...

That green one is so cute!!

Sue said...

I am really loving those hats!

Kellie said...

Super duper cute hats!

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