Friday, April 6, 2012

WIPocalypse Update

 Well, it has been a very busy and exhausting month for me.  I feel as if I have just been floating in space and not really here on solid ground.  A few weeks ago, I pulled out Gathering Eggs from Mirabilia and stared at it.  I have not had one stitch in it this month.  I so wanted to start on her again, being so close to Easter, but life has just got in the way.  Here she stands, with an extra row of stitches on the right hand side.  I am not frogging a thing, but finishing her up in the forefront, then adding more stitches to the background.  Hopefully it will work out in the end.  

I have been crocheting a lot.  I find that that activity takes up less mental capacity than cross stitching, so that's my go to activity.  I am hoping to get some done on this little girl soon.  I just love her bright colors.  I think I need a little cheering up.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Happy Easter Hillery!
    Gathering Eggs looks great. The colors make me smile.

  2. Happy Easter, Hillery. Love the colours on Gathering Eggs. So vibrant and pretty. It looks great!


  3. O well there will be another Easter next year, so you'll have lots of time to finjsh her?
    She is looking lovely.

    Hugs Yvon.

  4. That's a really lovely design. And although you don't feel like stitching at the moment you will finish it one day. So have fun with your crocheting!

  5. Your WIP is coming on beautifully!


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