Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Thankful Stitching Post

It seems like an eternity since I have posted.  I have been here and reading your blogs in snippets, but every time I have sat down to start to write, I feel pressure to do something else.  There's always something more important to do.  And it's true, there is always something more important, the girl's, the housework, my new responsibility of helping my sister to home school my niece...I have felt so busy lately, that sitting down to write even a few words has seemed like a job.  I certainly don't want blogging to feel like a job, so I will post when I feel like I can, without any pressure.  Tonight I am posting because Daddy is entertaining the kids, the dishes are done, the house is tidied up, and I am feeling like it's time to share.  I also have to give a very warm thank you to Patti over at Stitching in Lobster Land for the fabulous giveaway win.  5 great charts and 5 beautiful threads.  Thank you so much Patti,  I am definitely planning on using some of those threads in the Sweetheart Tree chart.

I have also been stitching a bit lately.  It seems that crochet has taken over my life this year and it feels really good to pick up a needle a cross those little stitches.  It has been so long since I've had a finish and right now   I am so close I can taste it.  Jenny Bean Halloween Sampler was always on my wish list, and now she is nearly finished.  A little late for Halloween, but it will be ready to hang next year.

Also, I have found a new use for my head lamp!!!!!!  Just climb in bed, prop up your pillows, wrap one of these little beauties around your head, turn on the TV and stitch till your eyes start to droop.  Of course this isn't a nightly ritual, most of the time I'm so tired that I fall asleep as soon as my head his the pillow.  I have enjoyed my bed-time stitching though.

I have a lot of crochet projects that I want to share, but have to finished photographing things, but when I do, I will have a post for that.  I have also been very busy with Christmas gifts.  Just hoping that I can get everything done, that I want to get done.
Until later, thanks for stopping by,


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