Friday, June 17, 2011

Another New Look

Okay, I didn't look this happy last night. I decided that I needed a trim, and asked my sister (who is not a hairdresser) to cut my hair. She usually does a good job, but let's just say.... that she had had a couple of glasses of wine and went a little overboard. I was hacked! And to top it all off, I bought some hair dye that DID NOT look this red on the box. My grays are HOT PINK!!!!! My hair has never been this short, and I don't know how much I hate it, yet. My sister came over at 7:00 this morning saying that she hadn't slept much and needed to come and fix it. She brought breakfast, shampoo, a hair magazine for short hairstyles, spray gel, curlers and her SCISSORS!!! Well, needless to say, I let her fix it. It looks much better than last night, but I will never get it to look good by myself. I just cannot do my hair. I am the type that takes the towel down, adds a bit of gel, scrunches my hair a bit and lets it dry that way. I believe that this new style will take a little more work. Maybe I'll take another pic tomorrow

On another note, I had a wonderful day shopping with my Mom for Father's day. We'll have a nice family barbeque tomorrow and the weather promises to be great.

Until another time,


  1. I think it looks great!!!

  2. I really like the way it is cut. I have worn my hair short for about 16 years, with the exception of when I was pregnant with my 2nd child. You get used to the short and start to prefer it over longer styles. I have been looking for a new "do", and am really liking the way yours is cut and may have to take a trip to my stylist soon!

  3. It looks really good. You are SO CUTE!

  4. Hillery you look fantastic!! What a difference. I think your sister is very very good and she can cut my hair anyday - so long as she hasn't had a drink first lol. Enjoy it - it suits you. x

  5. Hi.... thanx for your comments on my blog....

    I've enjoyed looking thru your blog and seeing all your work.... it is just great....

    I've signed up to follow you and look forward to seeing your works progress...

    take care, Claire

  6. Super cute haircut, I really like it. :-)

  7. I think it looks fantastic :o)

  8. You look great and beautiful no matter what hairstyle you have :-)

  9. Your new hair cut looks fantastic!!!!

  10. Awww, it really does look cute. I know what you mean....I'm not a short hair girl at all, mostly because my face is so square and it isn't becoming...but, honestly, it looks really cute (but will be a bear growing out....grr.....). Reminds me of the time my best friend asked me to trim her bangs as she was about to go give birth. I didn't know the elasticity of her hair and just whacked. Well, when they dried....let's just say she looked like a 12 yr old giving birth. She wasn't happy and I wasn't drinking. lol Sometimes we mean well.....

    P.S. Have you seen my post on Word Verification and the new blogger software that stops the spam? Check it out and increase comments (while you wait for you hair to grow out.....)

  11. L like everyone else thinks it looks fabulous
    Sign of a good haircut if it takes 5minutes to style
    Hugs Suz x

  12. Oh yup, I know all too well about "happy scissors" and the things they can do! LOL. I had a bad haircut last February then when everyone said it was awful I grew my hair in for a full year much to everyones annoyance. So now I'm back to a short cut and like you... some gel, and off I go!

    I like your cut though. I think it looks really sweet. And as for hot pink strands, well mine are still grey so I need to get out the mascara until I can get to the store for some dye.

  13. I think this look is FANTASTIC. Just catching up on things....LOVE all those crocheted hats. Super!


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