Friday, March 25, 2011

New little Project

A friend of the family just had her first baby boy at 29 weeks. He is doing well at 2 pounds 4 ounces. I have crochet the little one a tiny hat and matching booties. We will be sending the family a care package this weekend. I know this time is a little scary for them, but I think they are doing well.

As for Jenny, she had not been ironed, and probably won't be for a while. I've done a bit more, and am dreading the border. Hopefully I can get past my anxiety and keep plugging on.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Jenny is looking great, but what have I missed? Why are you worried about the border?
    Praying that the mom and new baby continue to do well and I love the little hat and bootees.

  2. Wow 29 weeks! Babies are little fighters. I think the little hat you made is gorgeous. Keep up with the JB. It is lovely. x

  3. Have no fear and just stitch that border! It is looking beautiful...

  4. How cute! I can only imagine how small that set is ;o)

    Great job on JB. You can do it!

  5. You're obviously an excellent stitcher-so the border will be fine!--continue onward! Prayers for the wee little one and his family! They can be fighters-especially with lots of love and prayers!

  6. Love your Jenny sampler. It's going to be beautiful. I really like the colors. And your crocheting is adorable. Love the hats and booties. Happy Spring.

  7. What a lovely heart-felt gift for you to make. I'll remember the little sweetie in my prayers. Jenny would be proud - she's looking good!! :)

  8. What a cute little set -- that baby'll be growing out of them in no time :D

  9. I adore your sampler! I will have to keep that pattern in mind for a project for myself.


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