Monday, February 28, 2011

Would Anyone Be Interested~In Threads?

Hello Ladies, I am wondering if any of you stitchers or crocheters would be interested in some Perle Cotton. I have acquired some #5 and some #3 Anchor Perle Cotton Threads. I believe they are 23 yards or meters each. I don't think I am going to use them. This picture is just some of them. I have at least 40 or so of each size, maybe more. I know most people don't use Anchor, but I believe they interchange well with DMC. And I think they would be great for crochet flowers.
I would like to sell them at .75 cents a skein, maybe a little less. If anyone is interested, I can post more pictures of the different colors that I have. If no one is interested, that is fine, I can get rid of them some other way. I just thought I would offer them up to you all.
Thanks for stopping by,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I've Been Stitching!!!

Here is the before pic.
Can you believe it!!! I started on this WIP again last night and it felt so good to have a needle in my hand after a couple months hiatus. As you many know, I have been hooked on crocheting for the past few months and stitching has been put on the back burner. I joined Jayne's Crazy January Challenge and got no stitching done in January, but I have all year to finish up my projects so any little bit helps.
Here is the after pic. I only got a little bit done on the bottom right hand corner. This is a sampler from The Sampler Life Yahoo Group, and it is done in pages. After you finish a page you send a picture in and you get the next page. I am almost finished page 6 and will be sending my pic in for page 7 today. I know I can start on it anyway and the sampler is pretty symmetrical.

Big sister is watching her new movie this morning, Tinkerbell, while I do a little blogging and laundry, and dishes, and sweeping, and bed making, and tidying..... Does it ever end?

It's a bright and sunny today although still very cold, but it makes me just want to get up and go. Housework first, then maybe the girls and I will get out today, perhaps a much needed trip to the library. Hope you all have a lovely day, wherever you are.
Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It Has Been So Long~Ripply Ta-Dah!!!

It has been so long since I have posted and so long since I have visited you all. The girls are keeping me busy. I am still searching for a job, but I am still on the fence about that. I would love to stay home for a while longer. I used to work in child care and I hesitate to put them in the care of others. Don't get me wrong, some child cares are great, but I have heard some horror stories. Well, I have finish to show you. Of the crochet kind, not the stitchy kind. I haven't put needle to thread yet this year. Soon, soon.....
Here is my ripply Tah-Da!!! I am so pleased with this blanket. It is done with Vanna's Choice Acrylic yarn which for acrylic, is so soft. I have to tell you that I got this yarn at the discount store for half off. $2.50 per 340 yard skein. I really should have bought them out for that price. I have also been at my whits end trying to keep the dog off it!!!! But, we have been snuggling up in it every night. I have also started something else, perhaps another afghan.

On to the Happy Dance!!!

Such wonderful, colorful fun. The blanket measures, 45 inches by 65 inches. Plenty big enough for the couch. My original plan was to keep going and to make it fit a twin sized bed, but that bed is a couple of years off, so I'll have to plan another one.

And for a nice warm nap......

It doesn't get much better than this.
Hope everyone is doing well out there in blogland. I'll be visiting soon. I have more pics to show.
Thanks for stopping by,